B. F. G. stands for Big Friendly Gaijin. [Gaijin: a non-Japanese person living or traveling in Japan]
Monday, January 31, 2011
Ranting, grumble grumble grumble, no photos, written last thursday. . . better post pending.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Right folks! So, all of the new year`s adventuring photos are up, and to some degree described on my flickr page. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bearsartorius/sets/ ) Do it, go check them out.
Just a little sample of what awaits at Flickr.
It`s another frosty sunny day in Susaki. I think cold is colder in Japan than I remember cold being in the States. My fingers are quicker to turn that burning redish pink and for the life of me, the tip of my nose is numb most of the day.
I`ve been getting in touch with my inner wanna-be chef (You know? the career goal from way back in the high school dream days.) My mom forwarded me the blog of an ex baby sitter from my childhood, and I must say that Mrs. Heather`s writing, talk of gardening, and push for more more more homemade food has me all sparked up. (check out her page, seriously it`s a great read, http://heatergirlie.blogspot.com/ ). I have been plundering great recipes from her page for many days now. The pickled onions she recommends are fantastic (the recipe calls for red onions, but they are crazy more expensive for some unknown reason in my supermarket so instead golden onions were used) and then there were the Green Potatoes from Laurel's Kitchen.
Green potatoes and pickled onions
Lastly there was home made tortilla's and persimmon salsa with chicken and peppers! For all you devout followers out there, mexican food is near impossible to find in any form here in Kochi (hell I'm fairly safe saying in Japan). So, discovering a method of making tortillas from scratch was one of the most satisfying achievements imaginable.
Ultimate craving destructor.
Lastly, it's a grand hour and thirteen minutes until I turn 24. One might think that next to Christmas your birthday would be the time when someone working and living abroad would most miss their family and friends. However! I have already been sent this!
And tomorrow I'm off right after work to spend another weekend with the Benson. Promises of post birthday baking (Heather I may have borrowed your chocolate chip whiskey bunt cake recipe), and a gathering of the Kochi Christmas crowd plus frisbee team friends means I've got high hopes for a birthday filled with bliss.
As always more to come!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Christmas Kochi Style
Monday, January 3, 2011
January 4th WHAT?!
Rather than post an incredibly long blog post about all that has happened this holiday season I will be posting several photo journal (can you tell someone recently got a new SLR Nikon toy?). They will be the best of the best of photos from Christmas Feast Kochi, and a three part instillation of Andrew and Ashley`s trip round Japan. There will captions and links to flicker where all of the photos of my holiday season will be eventually up for your public viewing pleasure.
Typically I would be writing an over worded post about all the joys in my life. The illustrious ways the light roles off the mountains in Japan, the deepening bonds with now dear friends (both far flung and more tangible here in Kochi), and the constant adventure of living abroad, but to be honest . . . I want to see if my pictures (once I figure out how to upload them off the new camera) will do the trick. So until then, unquestioning love to everyone back home, and be warned though it will be extremely late there is a holiday themed card/ letter/ flyer thing on its way. Upon returning to my apartment Christmas night I was horrified to see a huge stack all my Christmas cards and letters rubber banded together because I had put them in the wrong sized envelope for international mailings. . . PHOTOS TO COME!